We have launched Dealum’s new Network feature – a centralized space where angel organizations across the platform can easily connect, follow their partners’ updates, and share news or deals. Angel group collaboration and co-investing have never been easier! 

With Dealum’s Network angel organizations can: 

  • Send each other connection requests.
  • Share updates and deals with their connections.
  • Keep up and join in with good deals.
  • See their whole network’s news in one central feed.
Network feed and contact book on Dealum

Almost filled a round but need those last few commitments? Easily hit up your network to see who might be interested. Reached a significant milestone and want a pat on the shoulder? Let your connections know. Keep missing good deals from your partner groups? Never overlook an email again. 

It’s like LinkedIn for angel investing – but in the best possible way. 

Dealum’s CEO Seren Rumjancevs says this is a big step towards Dealum’s main goal – a connected pre-seed ecosystem: “Collaboration is at the core of Dealum and our Network gives angels access to a platform-wide network of partner’s deals. We want to make co-investing and matching startups to available capital as effortless as possible. Deal sharing can help make revolutionary ideas a reality.” 

Ready to get connected?

Try out networking on Dealum – request a demo to see how it works and benefits your angel group.

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